2.2.214645a20 · ·
New release v2.2.2 Contains various fixes for component doc strings which are shown in the GUI. Also, uses a more recent version of the `anna` package to show an info in the GUI when a longer version of the doc string is available.
2.2517163c9 · ·
* The `Zspread*` particle generation models are now compatible with `DCBeam`. * Configuration and setup errors are now displayed with a dedicated format on the console (rather than showing the full Python traceback).
2.18314f4bb · ·
**Stable release** * Added device model `Obstacles` which allows for simulating arbitrary geometries via CAD-compatible [STL files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STL_(file_format)). This new model requires optional dependencies which can be installed via `python -m pip install Virtual-IPM[Obstacles]`. * Added particle generation model `BoxUniform` which randomly distributes all particles within a specified box during the first simulation step; this is particularly useful for testing simulation setups.
2.0.13e87b905 · ·
**Bugfix release** * Fixed parameter sweeps GUI not using the unit from the seed configuration file ([#280](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/280)). * Fixed parameter sweeps GUI rejecting empty directories on macOS.
2.08996a74d · ·
**Major release (backwards incompatible)** * Drop support for Python < 3.9. * Drop support for PyQt4 in the GUI. * When installing the application `pip install Virtual-IPM` will install the application *without* the GUI. The full installation can be done via `pip install Virtual-IPM[GUI]`. \# What's new? * Two particle generation models have been added: `ZspreadZeroMomentum` and `ZspreadVoitkivDDCS`. In terms of momentum generation these work similarly to the already existing `ZeroMomentum` and `VoitkivDDCS` models, but they allow to specify a `z`-range for the particle generation rather than a single location as for the other models. Particles will be uniformly spread inside the specified `z`-range. * A new pair of bunch shape / bunch electric field models has been added: `GaussianDC`. These models represent a DC beam with transverse Gaussian charge distribution. It must be used together with the `DCBeam` bunch train model. * A set of new options for running simulations from the command line has been added: * `--number-of-particles`: override the `<NumberOfParticles>` parameter of the configuration * `--number-of-timesteps`: override the `<NumberOfTimeSteps>` parameter of the configuration * `--dryrun`: run the simulation with reduced number of particles and reduced number of time steps to check whether it's working as expected * A new command line tool has been added: `vipm-plot-em-fields`. This tool can be used to plot the electric field of beams defined in XML configuration files. The script expects the file path to such a configuration file and automatically plots the corresponding beam fields. There are various options to customize the content and layout of the plot: use `vipm-plot-em-fields --help` for more information. * A new tool for defining parameter sweeps from XML configuration files. See the documentation about [Parameter sweeps](https://ipmsim.gitlab.io/Virtual-IPM/parameter-sweeps.html) for more information. \# What changed? * The `BassettiErskine` and `SymmetricGaussian` bunch electric field models are now unified under the new `Gaussian` model. This model automatically selects the appropriate method based on the specified values for the `TransverseSigma` parameter. It expects the same parameters as the old models did. Configuration files which still specify one of the old models continue to works as before, however the user is encouraged to update these files to use the `Gaussian` model instead. The `BassettiErskine` and `SymmetricGaussian` models will be removed in the next major release (version 3.0). When loading such an old configuration in the GUI, the old models are automatically replaced with the new model and a corresponding information dialog is shown. \# Miscellaneous * Added various test cases, as well as unittest scripts. These are connected to the Gitlab CI. See the [tests](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/-/tree/master/tests) directory of the project for more information. \# Bug fixes * The GUI no longer retains previous beam instances when loading a new configuration file ([#246](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/246)).
1.34bcc8ec0 · ·
**Stable release** * A bunch shape model representing a Generalized Gaussian charge distribution ([#236](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/236)). * A bunch shape model representing a Q-Gaussian charge distribution ([#235](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/235)). * The longitudinal (semi-major) axis of `ParabolicEllipsoid` shapes can now be specified in the lab frame in dimension of time ([#221](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/221)). * For `CircularBunchTrain`s the bunch frequency can now be specified as an alternative to the bunch spacing ([#210](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/210)). * For `CircularBunchTrain`s a longitudinal offset can now be specified ([#204](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/204)). * The electric and magnetic `CSVAdaptor2D` models are now available ([#206](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/206)). * Simulations can now be configured to only generate particles (skipping *tracking* and *detecting*) ([#214](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/214)). * The rest mass of tracked particles can now be specified as an alternative to their rest energy ([#207](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/207)). * A command line utility for converting `BasicRecorder` output to `DirectPlacement` input for use in subsequent simulations ([#209](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/209)). * The `CSVAdaptor*D` classes now verify that the cycling through spatial coordinates is in the correct order ([#233](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/233)). * The `DirectPlacement` model now requires explicit column names instead of column ordering ([#213](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/213)). * Only particles with `DETECTED` status are included in the profile plots in the Analysis GUI ([#222](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/222)). * The version number is now included in the root tag of XML configuration files ([#237](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/237)). * The single bunch train elements are now included in `debug` level logs ([#224](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/224)). * The help text for the `ZPosition` parameter of ionization models has been improved ([#218](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/218)). * The help text for the `LongitudinalOffset` parameter of bunch train classes has been improved ([#217](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/217)). * The effective length of the various bunch shape models is now explained in their docstrings ([#216](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/216)). * Transverse bunch offsets are now respected during particle generation ([#234](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/234)). * The `Boris` particle tracking model can now be used with Python 2 ([#231](https://gitlab.com/IPMsim/Virtual-IPM/issues/231)).
1.2.2c9152844 · ·
1.2.2 ----- **Bugfix release** * Fixed CSVAdaptors not properly respecting and converting input units (#230) * Updated CST-to-CSV converter to remove obsolete lines from input (#229) * Fixed pandas deprecation warning when using the GUI (#228)