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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.12.0
    0902b4ad · Bump version ·
    Version 0.12.0
    * OC-Wasm-related crates will be versioned in lockstep, starting from
      0.12.0. This means that equal version numbers should now be compatible
      with each other.
    * Bumped `minicbor` dependency to version 0.21.
    * Bumped `ordered-float` dependency to version 4.
    * Bumped `oc-wasm-safe` dependency to 0.12.
  • 0.7.0
    edc46ae0 · Bump version ·
    Version 0.7.0
    * Bumped `minicbor` to 0.20.
    * Bumped `oc-wasm-safe` to 0.5.
  • 0.6.1
    274cfd8b · Bump version ·
    Version 0.6.1
    * Using an `&mut [u8]` as an invocation buffer should now work.
  • 0.6.0
    082eaa16 · Bump version ·
    Version 0.6.0
    * Bumped `minicbor` to 0.19.
    * Bumped `oc-wasm-safe` to 0.4.
  • 0.5.0
    90490f64 · Bump version ·
    Version 0.5.0
    * `minicbor`’s `alloc` feature is only enabled if `oc-wasm-futures`’ own
      `alloc` feature is enabled.
    * Bumped `minicbor` to 0.18.
    * Bumped `oc-wasm-safe` to 0.3.
  • 0.4.0
    3272b9c3 · Bump version ·
    Version 0.4.0
    New features:
    * The scratch buffer used for encoding parameters and storing return
      values can now be any type that implements the `Buffer` trait, rather
      than only `Vec<u8>`. This trait is always implemented for `&mut [u8]`,
      and it is also implemented for `Vec<u8>` when the `alloc` feature is
  • 0.3.0
    75188eb8 · Bump version ·
    Version 0.3.0
    New features:
    * Component calls now return more detailed error information based on
      the `component` module’s new syscalls `last_exception_message` and
      `last_exception_is_type` from OC-Wasm version 1.12.2-0.3.0.
    * Bumped `minicbor` to 0.15.
    * Bumped `oc-wasm-safe` to 0.2.
    * Bumped `ordered-float` to 3.
  • 0.2.0
    29f0daf9 · Bump version ·
    Version 0.2.0
    New features:
    * sleep::until_signal wakes up when a signal is received.
    * Set build target for
    * Cleanup and optimization.
  • 0.1.0
    4ad63223 · Add GitLab CI ·
    Version 0.1.0