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  • v0.10.34
    2014.12.17, Version 0.10.34 (Stable)
    * uv: update to v0.10.30
    * zlib: upgrade to v1.2.8
    * child_process: check execFile args is an array (Sam Roberts)
    * child_process: check fork args is an array (Sam Roberts)
    * crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis)
    * domains: fix issues with abort on uncaught (Julien Gilli)
    * timers: Avoid linear scan in _unrefActive. (Julien Gilli)
    * timers: fix unref() memory leak (Trevor Norris)
    * v8: add api for aborting on uncaught exception (Julien Gilli)
    * debugger: fix when using "use strict" (Julien Gilli)
  • v0.10.33
    2014.10.20, Version 0.10.33 (Stable)
    * openssl: Update to 1.0.1j (Addressing multiple CVEs)
    * uv: Update to v0.10.29
    * child_process: properly support optional args (cjihrig)
    * crypto: Disable autonegotiation for SSLv2/3 by default (Fedor Indutny,
    Timothy J Fontaine, Alexis Campailla)
    This is a behavior change, by default we will not allow the negotiation to
    SSLv2 or SSLv3. If you want this behavior, run Node.js with either
    `--enable-ssl2` or `--enable-ssl3` respectively.
    This does not change the behavior for users specifically requesting
    `SSLv2_method` or `SSLv3_method`. While this behavior is not advised, it is
    assumed you know what you're doing since you're specifically asking to use
    these methods.
  • v0.11.14
    2014.09.24, Version 0.11.14 (Unstable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v1.0.0-rc1
    * http_parser: Upgrade to v2.3.0
    * npm: Upgrade to v2.0.0
    * openssl: Upgrade to v1.0.1i
    * v8: Upgrade to 3.26.33
    * Add fast path for simple URL parsing (Gabriel Wicke)
    * Added support for options parameter in console.dir() (Xavi Magrinyà)
    * Cluster: fix shared handles on Windows (Alexis Campailla)
    * buffer: Fix incorrect behavior (Feross Aboukhadijeh)
    * buffer: construct new buffer from buffer toJSON() output (cjihrig)
    * buffer: improve Buffer constructor (Kang-Hao Kenny)
    * build: linking CoreFoundation framework for OSX (Thorsten Lorenz)
    * child_process: accept uid/gid everywhere (Fedor Indutny)
    * child_process: add path to spawn ENOENT Error (Ryan Cole)
    * child_process: copy spawnSync() cwd option to proper buffer (cjihrig)
    * child_process: do not access stderr when stdio set to 'ignore' (cjihrig)
    * child_process: don't throw on EAGAIN (Charles)
    * child_process: don't throw on EMFILE/ENFILE (Ben Noordhuis)
    * child_process: use full path for cmd.exe on Win32 (Ed Morley)
    * cluster: allow multiple calls to setupMaster() (Ryan Graham)
    * cluster: centralize removal from workers list. (Julien Gilli)
    * cluster: enable error/message events using .worker (cjihrig)
    * cluster: include settings object in 'setup' event (Ryan Graham)
    * cluster: restore v0.10.x setupMaster() behaviour (Ryan Graham)
    * cluster: support options in Worker constructor (cjihrig)
    * cluster: test events emit on cluster.worker (Sam Roberts)
    * console: console.dir() accepts options object (Xavi Magrinyà)
    * crypto: add `honorCipherOrder` argument (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: allow padding in RSA methods (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: clarify RandomBytes() error msg (Mickael van der Beek)
    * crypto: never store pointer to conn in SSL_CTX (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: unsigned value can't be negative (Brian White)
    * dgram: remove new keyword from errnoException (Jackson Tian)
    * dns: always set variable family in lookup() (cjihrig)
    * dns: include host name in error message if available (Maciej Małecki)
    * dns: introduce lookupService function (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)
    * dns: send lookup c-ares errors to callback (Chris Dickinson)
    * dns: throw if hostname is not string or falsey (cjihrig)
    * events: Output the event that is leaking (Arnout Kazemier)
    * fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig)
    * fs: fs.readFile should not throw uncaughtException (Jackson Tian)
    * http: add 308 status_code, see RFC7238 (Yazhong Liu)
    * http: don't default OPTIONS to chunked encoding (Nick Muerdter)
    * http: fix bailout for writeHead (Alex Kocharin)
    * http: remove unused code block (Fedor Indutny)
    * http: write() after end() emits an error. (Julien Gilli)
    * lib, src: add vm.runInDebugContext() (Ben Noordhuis)
    * lib: noisy deprecation of child_process customFds (Ryan Graham)
    * module: don't require fs several times (Robert Kowalski)
    * net,dgram: workers can listen on exclusive ports (cjihrig)
    * net,stream: add isPaused, don't read() when paused (Chris Dickinson)
    * net: Ensure consistent binding to IPV6 if address is absent (Raymond Feng)
    * net: add remoteFamily for socket (Jackson Tian)
    * net: don't emit listening if handle is closed (Eli Skeggs)
    * net: don't prefer IPv4 addresses during resolution (cjihrig)
    * net: don't throw on net.Server.close() (cjihrig)
    * net: reset `errorEmitted` on reconnect (Ed Umansky)
    * node: set names for prototype methods (Trevor Norris)
    * node: support v8 microtask queue (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * path: fix slice OOB in trim (Lucio M. Tato)
    * path: isAbsolute() should always return boolean (Herman Lee)
    * process: throw TypeError if kill pid not a number (Sam Roberts)
    * querystring: custom encode and decode (fengmk2)
    * querystring: do not add sep for empty array (cjihrig)
    * querystring: remove prepended ? from query field (Ezequiel Rabinovich)
    * readline: fix close event of readline.Interface() (Yazhong Liu)
    * readline: fixes scoping bug (Dan Kaplun)
    * readline: implements keypress buffering (Dan Kaplun)
    * repl: fix multi-line input (Fedor Indutny)
    * repl: fix overwrite for this._prompt (Yazhong Liu)
    * repl: proper `setPrompt()` and `multiline` support (Fedor Indutny)
    * stream: don't try to finish if buffer is not empty (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * stream: only end reading on null, not undefined (Jonathan Reem)
    * streams: set default hwm properly for Duplex (Andrew Oppenlander)
    * string_bytes: ucs2 support big endian (Andrew Low)
    * tls, crypto: add DHE support (Shigeki Ohtsu)
    * tls: `checkServerIdentity` option (Trevor Livingston)
    * tls: add DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 to the def ciphers (Shigeki Ohtsu)
    * tls: better error reporting at cert validation (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: support multiple keys/certs (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: throw an error, not string (Jackson Tian)
    * udp: make it possible to receive empty udp packets (Andrius Bentkus)
    * url: treat  the same as / (isaacs)
  • v0.10.32
    2014.09.16, Version 0.10.32 (Stable)
    * npm: Update to 1.4.28
    * v8: fix a crash introduced by previous release (Fedor Indutny)
    * configure: add --openssl-no-asm flag (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: use domains for any callback-taking method (Chris Dickinson)
    * http: do not send `0rnrn` in TE HEAD responses (Fedor Indutny)
    * querystring: fix unescape override (Tristan Berger)
    * url: Add support for RFC 3490 separators (Mathias Bynens)
  • v0.10.31
    2014.08.19, Version 0.10.31 (Stable)
    * v8: backport CVE-2013-6668
    * openssl: Update to v1.0.1i
    * npm: Update to v1.4.23
    * cluster: disconnect should not be synchronous (Sam Roberts)
    * fs: fix fs.readFileSync fd leak when get RangeError (Jackson Tian)
    * stream: fix Readable.wrap objectMode falsy values (James Halliday)
    * timers: fix timers with non-integer delay hanging. (Julien Gilli)
  • v0.8.28
    2014.07.31, Version 0.8.28 (maintenance)
    * v8: Interrupts must not mask stack overflow. (Fedor Indutny)
  • v0.10.30
    2014.07.31, Version 0.10.30 (Stable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.10.28
    * npm: Upgrade to v1.4.21
    * v8: Interrupts must not mask stack overflow.
    * Revert "stream: start old-mode read in a next tick" (Fedor Indutny)
    * buffer: fix sign overflow in `readUIn32BE` (Fedor Indutny)
    * buffer: improve {read,write}{U}Int* methods (Nick Apperson)
    * child_process: handle writeUtf8String error (Fedor Indutny)
    * deps: backport 4ed5fde4f from v8 upstream (Fedor Indutny)
    * deps: cherry-pick eca441b2 from OpenSSL (Fedor Indutny)
    * lib: remove and restructure calls to isNaN() (cjihrig)
    * module: eliminate double `getenv()` (Maciej Małecki)
    * stream2: flush extant data on read of ended stream (Chris Dickinson)
    * streams: remove unused require('assert') (Rod Vagg)
    * timers: backport f8193ab (Julien Gilli)
    * util.h: interface compatibility (Oguz Bastemur)
    * zlib: do not crash on write after close (Fedor Indutny)
  • v0.8.27
    2014.06.09, Version 0.8.27 (maintenance)
    * openssl: update to 1.0.0m (CVE-2014-0224)
    * utf8: Prevent Node from sending invalid UTF-8 (Felix Geisendörfer)
      - *NOTE* this introduces a breaking change, previously you could construct
    invalid UTF-8 and invoke an error in a client that was expecting valid
    UTF-8, now unmatched surrogate pairs are replaced with the unknown UTF-8
    character. To restore the old functionality simply have NODE_INVALID_UTF8
    environment variable set.
    * tls: fix pool usage race (Fedor Indutny)
    * fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig)
  • v0.10.29
    2014.06.05, Version 0.10.29 (Stable)
    * openssl: to 1.0.1h (CVE-2014-0224)
    * npm: upgrade to 1.4.10
    * utf8: Prevent Node from sending invalid UTF-8 (Felix Geisendörfer)
      - *NOTE* this introduces a breaking change, previously you could construct
    invalid UTF-8 and invoke an error in a client that was expecting valid
    UTF-8, now unmatched surrogate pairs are replaced with the unknown UTF-8
    character. To restore the old functionality simply have NODE_INVALID_UTF8
    environment variable set.
    * child_process: do not set args before throwing (Greg Sabia Tucker)
    * child_process: spawn() does not throw TypeError (Greg Sabia Tucker)
    * constants: export O_NONBLOCK (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: improve memory usage (Alexis Campailla)
    * fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig)
    * lib: name EventEmitter prototype methods (Ben Noordhuis)
    * tls: fix performance issue (Alexis Campailla)
  • v0.11.13
    2014.05.01, Version 0.11.13 (Unstable)
    * v8: upgrade to
    * buffer: add compare and equals methods (Sean McArthur)
    * buffer: improve {read,write}{U}Int* methods (Nick Apperson)
    * buffer: return uint if MSB is 1 in readUInt32 (goussardg)
    * buffer: truncate buffer after string decode (Fedor Indutny)
    * child_process: fix assertion error in spawnSync (Shigeki Ohtsu)
    * crypto: fix memory leak in CipherBase::Final (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: improve error messages (Ingmar Runge)
    * crypto: move `createCredentials` to tls (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: work around OpenSSL oddness (Fedor Indutny)
    * dgram: introduce `reuseAddr` option (Fedor Indutny)
    * domain: don't crash on "throw null" (Alex Kocharin)
    * events: check if _events is an own property (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * fs: improve performance of all stat functions (James Pickard)
    * fs: return blksize on stats object (Trevor Norris)
    * http: add request.flush() method (Ben Noordhuis)
    * http: better client "protocol not supported" error (Nathan Rajlich)
    * http: use defaultAgent.protocol in protocol check (Nathan Rajlich)
    * main: Handle SIGINT properly. (Geir Hauge)
    * net: bind to `::` TCP address by default (Fedor Indutny)
    * readline: consider newlines for cursor position (Yazhong Liu)
    * stream: split `objectMode` for Duplex (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * tls: `getPeerCertificate(detailed)` (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: do not call SNICallback unless present (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: force readable/writable to `true` (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: support OCSP on client and server (Fedor Indutny)
    * util: made util.isArray a direct alias for Array.isArray (Evan Carroll)
  • v0.10.28
    2014.05.01, Version 0.10.28 (Stable)
    * npm: upgrade to v1.4.9
  • v0.10.27
    2014.05.01, Version 0.10.27 (Stable)
    * npm: upgrade to v1.4.8
    * openssl: upgrade to 1.0.1g
    * uv: update to v0.10.27
    * dns: fix certain txt entries (Fedor Indutny)
    * assert: Ensure reflexivity of deepEqual (Mike Pennisi)
    * child_process: fix deadlock when sending handles (Fedor Indutny)
    * child_process: fix sending handle twice (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: do not lowercase cipher/hash names (Fedor Indutny)
    * dtrace: workaround linker bug on FreeBSD (Fedor Indutny)
    * http: do not emit EOF non-readable socket (Fedor Indutny)
    * http: invoke createConnection when no agent (Nathan Rajlich)
    * stream: remove useless check (Brian White)
    * timer: don't reschedule timer bucket in a domain (Greg Brail)
    * url: treat  the same as / (isaacs)
    * util: format as Error if instanceof Error (Rod Vagg)
  • v0.11.12
    2014.03.11, Version 0.11.12 (Unstable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.11.22 (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * buffer: allow toString to accept Infinity for end (Brian White)
    * child_process: add spawnSync/execSync (Bert Belder, Timothy J Fontaine)
    * cluster: handle bind errors on Windows (Alexis Campailla)
    * contextify: handle infinite recursion errors (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: allow custom generator for DiffieHellman (Brian White)
    * crypto: allow setting add'l authenticated data (Brian White)
    * crypto: fix CipherFinal return value check (Brian White)
    * crypto: make NewSessionDoneCb public (Fedor Indutny)
    * dgram: pass the bytes sent to the send callback (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * dns: validate arguments in resolver (Kenan Sulayman)
    * dns: verify argument is valid function in resolve (Kenan Sulayman)
    * http: avoid duplicate keys in writeHead (David Björklund)
    * net: add localPort to connect options (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * node: do not print SyntaxError hints to stderr (Fedor Indutny)
    * node: invoke `beforeExit` again if loop was active (Fedor Indutny)
    * node: make AsyncListenerInst field more explicit (Trevor Norris)
    * os: networkInterfaces include scopeid for ipv6 (Xidorn Quan)
    * process: allow changing `exitCode` in `on('exit')` (Fedor Indutny)
    * readline: fix `line` event, if input emit 'end' (Yazhong Liu)
    * src: add tracing.v8.on('gc') statistics hooks (Ben Noordhuis)
    * src: add v8.getHeapStatistics() function (Ben Noordhuis)
    * src: emit 'beforeExit' event on process object (Ben Noordhuis)
    * src: move AsyncListener from process to tracing (Trevor Norris)
    * tls: fix crash in SNICallback (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: introduce asynchronous `newSession` (Fedor Indutny)
    * util: show meaningful values for boxed primitives (Nathan Rajlich)
    * vm: don't copy Proxy object from parent context (Ben Noordhuis)
    * windows: make stdout/sterr pipes blocking (Alexis Campailla)
    * zlib: add sync versions for convenience methods (Nikolai Vavilov)
  • v0.10.26
    2014.02.18, Version 0.10.26 (Stable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.10.25 (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * npm: upgrade to 1.4.3 (isaacs)
    * v8: support compiling with VS2013 (Fedor Indutny)
    * cares: backport TXT parsing fix (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: throw on SignFinal failure (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis)
    * debugger: Fix breakpoint not showing after restart (Farid Neshat)
    * fs: make unwatchFile() insensitive to path (iamdoron)
    * net: do not re-emit stream errors (Fedor Indutny)
    * net: make Socket destroy() re-entrance safe (Jun Ma)
    * net: reset `endEmitted` on reconnect (Fedor Indutny)
    * node: do not close stdio implicitly (Fedor Indutny)
    * zlib: avoid assertion in close (Fedor Indutny)
  • v0.11.11
    2014.01.29, Version 0.11.11 (Unstable)
    * v8: Upgrade to
    * http_parser: Upgrade to 2.2.1
    * openssl: Upgrade to 1.0.1f
    * uv: Upgrade to 0.11.18
    * async-listener: revamp of subsystem (Trevor Norris)
    * node: do not ever close stdio (Fedor Indutny)
    * http: use writev on chunked encoding (Trevor Norris)
    * async_wrap/timers: remove Add/RemoveAsyncListener (Trevor Norris)
    * child_process: better error reporting for exec (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: add newline to cert and key if not present (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: clear error in GetPeerCertificate (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: honor default ciphers in client mode (Jacob Hoffman-Andrews)
    * crypto: introduce .setEngine(engine, [flags]) (Fedor Indutny)
    * crypto: support custom pbkdf2 digest methods (Ben Noordhuis)
    * domain: fix off-by-one in Domain.exit() (Ryan Graham)
    * http: concatenate duplicate headers by default (Alex Kocharin)
    * http: do not emit EOF non-readable socket (Fedor Indutny)
    * node: fix argument parsing with -p arg (Alexis Campailla)
    * path: improve POSIX path.join() performance (Jo Liss)
    * tls: emit `clientError` on early socket close (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: introduce `.setMaxSendFragment(size)` (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: make cert/pfx optional in tls.createServer() (Ben Noordhuis)
    * tls: process accumulated input (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: show human-readable error messages (Ben Noordhuis)
    * util: handle escaped forward slashes correctly (Tom Gallacher)
  • v0.10.25
    b0e5f195 · src: lint lib/net.js ·
    2014.01.23, Version 0.10.25 (Stable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.10.23
    * npm: Upgrade to v1.3.24
    * v8: Fix enumeration for objects with lots of properties
    * child_process: fix spawn() optional arguments (Sam Roberts)
    * cluster: report more errors to workers (Fedor Indutny)
    * domains: exit() only affects active domains (Ryan Graham)
    * src: OnFatalError handler must abort() (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * stream: writes may return false but forget to emit drain (Yang Tianyang)
  • v0.11.10
    2013.12.31, Version 0.11.10 (Unstable)
    * http_parser: update to 2.2
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.11.17
    * v8: Upgrade to
    * buffer: optimize writeInt* methods (Paul Loyd)
    * child_process: better error handling (Alexis Campailla)
    * cluster: do not synchronously emit 'setup' event (Sam Roberts)
    * cluster: restore backwards compatibility and various fixes (Sam Roberts)
    * crypto: remove unnecessary OpenSSL_add_all_digests (Yorkie)
    * crypto: support GCM authenticated encryption mode. (Ingmar Runge)
    * dns: add resolveSoa and 'SOA' rrtype (Tuğrul Topuz)
    * events: move EE c'tor guts to EventEmitter.init (Bert Belder)
    * http: DELETE shouldn't default to chunked encoding (Lalit Kapoor)
    * http: parse the status message in a http response. (Cam Swords)
    * node: fix removing AsyncListener in callback (Vladimir Kurchatkin)
    * node: follow specification, zero-fill ArrayBuffers (Trevor Norris)
    * openssl: use ASM optimized routines (Fedor Indutny)
    * process: allow nextTick infinite recursion (Trevor Norris)
    * querystring: remove `name` from `stringify()` (Yorkie)
    * timers: setImmediate v8 optimization fix (pflannery)
    * tls: add serialNumber to getPeerCertificate() (Ben Noordhuis)
    * tls: reintroduce socket.encrypted (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: fix handling of asterisk in SNI context (Fedor Indutny)
    * util: Format negative zero as '-0' (David Chan)
    * vm: fix race condition in timeout (Alexis Campailla)
    * windows: fix dns lookup of localhost with ipv6 (Alexis Campailla)
  • v0.10.24
    2013.12.18, Version 0.10.24 (Stable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.10.21
    * npm: upgrade to 1.3.21
    * v8: backport fix for CVE-2013-{6639|6640}
    * build: unix install node and dep library headers (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * cluster, v8: fix --logfile=%p.log (Ben Noordhuis)
    * module: only cache package main (Wyatt Preul)
  • v0.10.23
    2013.12.12, Version 0.10.23 (Stable)
    * uv: Upgrade to v0.10.20 (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * npm: Upgrade to 1.3.17 (isaacs)
    * gyp: update to 78b26f7 (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * build: include postmortem symbols on linux (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * crypto: Make Decipher._flush() emit errors. (Kai Groner)
    * dgram: fix abort when getting `fd` of closed dgram (Fedor Indutny)
    * events: do not accept NaN in setMaxListeners (Fedor Indutny)
    * events: avoid calling `once` functions twice (Tim Wood)
    * events: fix TypeError in removeAllListeners (Jeremy Martin)
    * fs: report correct path when EEXIST (Fedor Indutny)
    * process: enforce allowed signals for kill (Sam Roberts)
    * tls: emit 'end' on .receivedShutdown (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: fix potential data corruption (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: handle `ssl.start()` errors appropriately (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: reset NPN callbacks after SNI (Fedor Indutny)
  • v0.11.9
    2013.11.20, Version 0.11.9 (Unstable)
    * uv: upgrade to v0.11.15 (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * v8: upgrade to (Timothy J Fontaine)
    * buffer: remove warning when no encoding is passed (Trevor Norris)
    * build: make v8 use random seed for hash tables (Ben Noordhuis)
    * crypto: build with shared openssl without NPN (Ben Noordhuis)
    * crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis)
    * debugger: pass on v8 debug switches (Ben Noordhuis)
    * domain: use AsyncListener API (Trevor Norris)
    * fs: add recursive subdirectory support to (Nick Simmons)
    * fs: make non-recursive by default (Ben Noordhuis)
    * http: cleanup freeSockets when socket destroyed (fengmk2)
    * http: force socket encoding to be null (isaacs)
    * http: make DELETE requests set `req.method` (Nathan Rajlich)
    * node: add AsyncListener support (Trevor Norris)
    * src: remove global HandleScope that hid memory leaks (Ben Noordhuis)
    * tls: add ECDH ciphers support (Erik Dubbelboer)
    * tls: do not default to 'localhost' servername (Fedor Indutny)
    * tls: more accurate wrapping of connecting socket (Fedor Indutny)