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issue 730 self highlight resolved by always calling creature highligh…

Dread Knight requested to merge github/fork/ShaneWalsh/master into master

Created by: ShaneWalsh

#730 (closed) self highlight resolved by always calling creature highlight, not just on non reachable hexes.

I started messing with the hex range methods, but those hexes need to be reachable for creatures with size > 1. So i have moved the creature highlighting outside of the not reachable if. I wanted to this earlier, the first time I came across it, but I was less familiar with the code then, but now I am confident the code should be outside the !reachable.

I did some playing around, and the game seems ok to me, and the issue of #730 (closed) seems to be resolved. but please try and break it and let me know if there is a us case that no longer works.

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