Implement fixes and other preparations for 0.4.0 release
Some fixes and other preparations for the 0.4.0 release. Specifically, this merge request will do the following if applied:
- Bump requirement to Python 3.7
- Modify the CI pipeline (add Python 3.9 job and make jobs interruptible)
- Add daltools and loprop to requirements (even if not strictly needed for all functionality)
- Skip ions when finding bonded fragments (small performane improvement)
- Redistribute surplus charge for non-MFCC standard potential fragments
- Raise exception when trying to read empty or non-existent Dalton LoProp output file
- Prepare for the 0.4.0 release (change version and year in copyright headers, add Peter Reinholdt as coauthor, and some more minor adjustments)
Types of changes
- Other
Edited by Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen