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Other labels

  • Deliverable 1
    Flockademic / Plaudit
    Design and test a mock up of Plaudit on an OSF Preprints repository
  • Deliverable 2
    Flockademic / Plaudit
    Develop and test a working prototype of Plaudit as a feature for an OSF Preprints repository, with a single endorsement mechanism
  • Deliverable 3
    Flockademic / Plaudit
    Develop and test an iteration of the working prototype from deliverable 2 to include more than one endorsement type on a preprint and to feed endorsement data into Crossref Event Data
  • Deliverable 4
    Flockademic / Plaudit
    Preparation of written and visual materials to communicate the background and results of this project to potential users and prospective integrators, namely other preprint repositories, including BioRxiv, arXiv and
  • Extension
    Flockademic / Plaudit
  • Integrations
    Flockademic / Plaudit
  • Papercut
    Flockademic / Plaudit
  • Stretch goal
    Flockademic / Plaudit