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Hotfix: Update ABI & Bytecode

Created by: devnmhoang

❯ ./puppeth
| Welcome to puppeth, your Evrynet private network manager |
|                                                           |
| This tool lets you create a new Evrynet network down to  |
| the genesis block, bootnodes, miners and ethstats servers |
| without the hassle that it would normally entail.         |
|                                                           |
| Puppeth uses SSH to dial in to remote servers, and builds |
| its network components out of Docker containers using the |
| docker-compose toolset.                                   |

Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, hyphens or capital letters please)
> 15

Sweet, you can set this via --network=15 next time!

INFO [03-03|18:12:48.363] Administering Evrynet network            name=15
INFO [03-03|18:12:48.365] No remote machines to gather stats from

What would you like to do? (default = stats)
 1. Show network stats
 2. Configure new genesis
 3. Track new remote server
 4. Deploy network components
> 2

What would you like to do? (default = create)
 1. Create new genesis from scratch
 2. Import already existing genesis
> 1

Which consensus engine to use? (default = clique)
 1. Ethash - proof-of-work
 2. Clique - proof-of-authority
 3. Tendermint - practical-byzantine-fault-tolerance
> 3
What is poclicy to select proposer (default 0 - roundrobin)

Which accounts are validators? (mandatory at least one)
> 0xCFfb37b10047ffD25E52f2336536656b128a57F5
> 338c31986070871504Ca74Cf873A637A89B0113f
> 0xF81c137FBf303ecEC4Dbd6d9103e0588249dB57e

Do you want to use fixed validators? (default = no)

Do you want to use precompiled Staking Smart Contract file?
Specify your Bytecode file path (default = ./consensus/staking_contracts/EvrynetStaking.bin/EvrynetStaking.bin)
Specify your ABI path (default = ./consensus/staking_contracts/EvrynetStaking.bin/EvrynetStaking.abi)

Input params to init staking SC:
- What is the address of candidates owner?
> 0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7
- What is the admin address of staking SC?
> 0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7
- How many blocks for epoch period? (default = 1024)
- What is the max size of validators? (max number of candidates to be selected as validators for producing blocks)
> 5
- What is the min stake of validator? (minimum (his own) stake of each candidate to become a validator (use to slash if validator is doing malicious things))
> 10000
- What is the min cap of vote? (minimum amount of EVR tokens to vote for a candidate)
> 1000

What is the address of staking smart contract? (avoid special address from 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000008)
> 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000999
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.480] Persisted trie from memory database      nodes=1 size=147.00B time=24.939µs gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.492] Loaded most recent local header          number=0 hash=cd14b5…38a1e8 td=0 age=50y10mo3w
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.492] Loaded most recent local full block      number=0 hash=cd14b5…38a1e8 td=0 age=50y10mo3w
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.492] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=0 hash=cd14b5…38a1e8 td=0 age=50y10mo3w
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.493] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.493] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.493] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.494] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.494] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.494] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.494] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.495] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.495] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.495] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.496] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.496] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.496] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.497] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.497] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.497] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.498] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.498] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.498] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.499] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.499] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.499] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.500] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.502] got optional parameters, take only the first Option, ignore the rest opts="[{OwnerAddress:<nil> ProviderAddress:<nil>}]"
INFO [03-03|18:13:50.503] Imported new chain segment               blocks=1 txs=1 mgas=3.206 elapsed=1.595ms mgasps=2009.452 number=1 hash=205870…055458 age=50y10mo3w dirty=17.30KiB

Do you want to create accounts for tx flood? (default = no)

Which accounts should be pre-funded? (advisable at least one)

Should the precompile-addresses (0x1 .. 0xff) be pre-funded with 1 wei? (advisable no)

Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
> 15
INFO [03-03|18:13:55.500] Configured new genesis block

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