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Make explicit in the API the count of projectors per channel.

Damien Caliste requested to merge work/projs_per_angular_momentum_channel into develop

Proposition for what was discussed in !61 (merged) about the removal of pspio_projectors_per_l().

Does it correspond to your idea @micael.oliveira ? It's not making any allocation, and it's fixing a potential issue of the previous code when :

pspio_pspdata_set_n_projectors(pspdata, 2);
pspio_projector_alloc(&(pspdata->projectors + 0), 8);
pspio_projector_init(pspdata->projectors + 0, ...);

The call to pspio_psp_get_n_projectors_per_l() would have returned 0, because it is only set in the pspio_pspdata_set_projector(), which was not called in this example.

Merge request reports