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Add Standard Redox Models & Buffers

Aaron S. Wolf requested to merge aswolf-research/ThermoEngineASW:master into master

A set of standard redox models and buffers are added to These are accessed through the new redox_state and redox_buffer methods in model.Database.

  • redox model includes Kress1991 (standard liquid redox model underlying MELTS)
  • redox buffers include a large set of standard redox buffers (e.g. NNO, QFM, IW, etc.)
    • multiple examples of each are included where appropriate, and a default parameterization for each buffer is defined
  • add alloy phase to accessible database phases
    • this is key for redox-sensitive calculations like metal segregation
    • they can be accessed using MtlS and MtlL for Solid and Liquid Metal alloys, respectively

Merge request reports