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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 6.12.7
    Version 6.12.7 (10 April 2024)
    This is a maintenance release focusing almost entirely on bug fixes.
    Bugs fixed
    * Reworked list of verbs.  Some game verbs did not respect the
      alphabetical order (the verb 'throw' in particular).
    * Fixed problem with lt_value is set too late for list_together.
    * Fixed TRANSFER aborting if a custom LetGo routine is involved.
    * Removed useless "retval" that caused unreachable code warnings when
      compiling to Glulx.
    * Optimized Dword__No() and No__Dword() to avoid needless recomputing.
    * This release is dedicated to the memory of Archturiat Baumann.
      (April 10, 1970 - April 3, 2024)
  • 6.12.6 Release: Inform Standard Library Version 6.12.6 (19 February 2022)
    Version 6.12.6 (19 February 2022)
    This is a maintenance release focusing almost entirely on bug fixes.
    Bugs fixed
    * Reenabled Infix mode for Z-machine.  Compiler still does not support
      Infix for Glulx.
    * For V6, HDR_FONTHUNITS and HDR_FONTWUNITS offsets are reversed from
      other versions of the Z-machine.  Now the Library knows about this.
    * Fixed ParseNoun() breakage.
    * Now the library checks if the interpreter supports UNDO to see if it's
      okay to mention UNDO when the player has died.
    * Made sure OpenSub runs AfterRoutines() if keep_silent = true.
    * Fixed trouble with Z-machine header $26 versus $27 confusion.  For V5,
      this is font width and font height in units.  For V6, this is reversed.
    * For the Z-machine: If the dictionary spans the $8000 mark and he first
      word in the dictionary starts at address A where ($8000 - A) %
      dict_entry_size == 0, then the value returned from a grammar property
      can be troublesome.  If these conditions are met, the Z-machine cannot
      tell the difference between a positive or negative value returned from
      a Grammar property.  Among other things, commands given to a
      non-player-character can fail.  Workaround code had been added to the
      Library to mitigate the problem.  See the file "caveats.txt" for
  • 6.12.5 Release: 6.12.5
  • 6.12.4 Release: 6.12.4
    Version 6.12.4 (18 July 2020)
    This is a maintenance release focusing almost entirely on bug fixes.
    Bugs fixed
    * Fixed trouble with doors that go nowhere.
    * Moved remaining English messages except for debug messages to english.h
    * Fixed a Glulx-specific problem that prevented numbers from being recognized.
    * Fixed useless disambiguation messages with female NPCs.
    * Inventory styles are now remembered.
    * Reworked the SetColour() function to work reliably for both Z-machine
      and Glulx compilation targets.
    * Fixed an oversight or misfeature wherein a return value of true from a
      description routine would not cause the parser to stop further
    New features
    * Added tall and wide options for PLACES and OBJECTS metaverbs.
    * There are now stub functions of AfterSave() and AfterRestore().  If
      defined and return 1, these will preempt the standard success response
      of "Ok.".
    * It used to be a bit ambiguous prior to 6.12.x how the "Go" action worked
      in a before rule for a room.  It is now explicitly set such that the
      "Going" action catches the player entering the room and "Go" action
      catches the player leaving the room.
    * A bug was reported in which an ambiguous command interrupted with a metaverb
      would derail the command in progress.  For example, "TAKE" provokes the
      question "What do you want to take?".  If you then do "TRACE" to turn on
      parser tracing, the question previously asked is lost.  So then answering
      with "SWORD", the parser processes that as a verb and says "That's not a verb
      I recognise.".  After much digging around in the Library and asking for help,
      I've come to the conclusion that this behavior is unfixable.  The Library
      could have its own separate mini-parser, but this seems more trouble than
      it's worth.
  • 6.12.3
    7a8abe92 · Update ChangeLog. ·
    Release: 6.12.3
  • 6.12.2 Release: 6.12.2
  • 6.12.1
    5c333446 · Update ChangeLog ·
    Release: 6.12.1
  • 6.12 Release: 6.12
  • 6.12-beta1
  • end-backwards-action
  • begin-backwards-action
  • 6.11.1
  • 6.11
    f91b36da · metadata correction ·
    Release: 6.11
  • 6.10bp
    503f2ed2 · Import 6/10bp ·
  • 6.10
    68ce58b3 · Import 6/10 ·
  • 6.9
    01a9adbf · metadata ·
  • 6.8
    37707114 · Import 6/8 ·
  • 6.7
    75701415 · Import 6/7 ·
  • 6.6
    5dceaa15 · Import 6/6 ·
  • 6.5
    b219504a · Import 6/5 ·