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Membership and location search clauses

Derrick Liu requested to merge member-search-clauses into dev


This PR adds search clauses to member search capabilities. This allows users to search for members by membership status (using membership:valid|expired|new|none) and location (using zip:[zipcode], city:[city], or location:[zip or city]). More to come.

I'd like to get sorting by query working but I think that requires a complete overhaul of the pagination scheme the API uses to keep track of a particular query. It currently uses ORDER BY and cursors filter the query by the last seen ID.

This PR should be merged before membership_ui!329 (merged).

See this example screenshot for usage:


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  • Included a summary of the changes
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  • Listed all dependent merge requests in this summary (optional)

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  • If the MR isn't finished, prepend "WIP" to the title.
  • Unless otherwise noted, you should merge after approval.


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  • Bias toward approving the MR and ask for follow-up work as needed. You can make these issues as needed.
  • Be proactive about approving. If you and other reviewers make comments, and yours are resolved by the author, use your judgement to either approve or follow up with the other reviewers. Again, bias toward approving.
Edited by Derrick Liu

Merge request reports