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Reloads server on code change

Jeff May requested to merge gh-113cb950/22/DSASanFrancisco/reload-in-dev into master

Created by: dbolson

Mounts the source as a volume so code changes are picked up in the container. By turning on debugging, this lets you work entirely within the container so you don't need to set up all dependencies locally.

Easiest way to test this is to run:

make build
make docker
curl -i # should be { "health": true }
# update JSON response in membership_api/membership/web/
curl -i # should be new response

My assumption is that these changes would only affect local development and the production build would not have debugging on. If this looks good, I can update the readme to reflect the changes.

I can follow this up with moving some commands (eg., make lint) to be called from inside the container as well.

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