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Add endpoint for adding a member to an interest topic

Allan Shortlidge requested to merge add-member-interest-endpoint into dev


Add /email_topics/add_member endpoint for the Wordpress plugin to post new member details and topic preferences to. This will likely need to be updated when we get the form posting data.


I have:

  • Included a summary of the changes
  • Linked all relevant Trello tickets to this request

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  • Comments aren't necessarily blockers but can be. Add [blocker], or something similar, to a comment as necessary, otherwise the author may not know what's a blocker and what's not.
  • Bias toward approving the MR and ask for follow-up work as needed. You can make these issues as needed.
  • Be proactive about approving. If you and other reviewers make comments, and yours are resolved by the author, use your judgement to either approve or follow up with the other reviewers. Again, bias toward approving.

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