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Fixing TIDAL and Listening History

Tamás Nagy (T-bond) requested to merge T-bond:develop into develop

Fixes TIDAL and Listening History

Proposed Changes

  • Removed the forced ID creation for songs. The reason was that it was created from the song name, so if I played two song with the same name, the Listening History started to produce them infinitely. (Tested on Deezer and TIDAL, before and after the fix)
  • Completely rewritten the TIDAL service, as it was not functional. Now it has every feature that I found missing. (Play / pause, next / previous tracks, volume settings, favourite song option, seeking, and getting all the metadata: song title, id, position, length, album art, album title, author)

I don't know how the volume settings should be tested, as I am started using MellowPlayer yesterday, and don't know where should it be changed.

Also I found that I can't load images over HTTPS, so redirecting every album art request through HTTP. It need to change, as it is not secure. I'm using Debian Buster, and had the openssl1.1.1 package. Maybe it is too new for the project settings.

The error is: (and maybe I should fire an issue for it) [W] [2018-10-18 23-21-57:402093] [] QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method [W] [2018-10-18 23-21-57:402325] [] QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_CTX_new [W] [2018-10-18 23-21-57:402361] [] QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init [W] [2018-10-18 23-21-57:402387] [] QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function ERR_get_error [W] [2018-10-18 23-21-57:402635] [] QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function ERR_get_error [D] [2018-10-18 23-21-57:407346] [FileDownloader] download failed: Error creating SSL context ()

Thanks: Nagy Tamás (T-bond)

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