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  • 0.21.9 protected Release: Release 0.21.9
  • 0.21.8 protected
    08b75466 · Update DataModel ·
    Release: Release 0.21.8
  • 0.21.7 protected Release: Release 0.21.7
  • 0.21.6 protected
    9dccbb71 · Changelog ·
    Release: Release 0.21.6
  • 0.21.5 protected
    48010585 · Changelog ·
    Release: Release 0.21.5
    Version 0.21.5
  • 0.21.4 protected
    7eb9d503 · Update Changelog ·
    Release: Release 0.21.4
  • 0.21.3 protected Release: Release 0.21.3
  • 0.21.2 protected Release: Release 0.21.2
    # Changelog
    ## [0.21.2] - 2023-11-08
    ### Added
    - Support for moon tiles.
    - Give the camera a light so it can see in caverns. Press L to toggle (off by default)
    ### Changed
    - Improved TrainTrack export. Generated meshes should now not get phantom changes anymore.
    - Increased shadow distance from 500m to 1000m
    ### Fixed
    - Exporter status text numbers would go over maximum.
    - Visibility manager counts items processed per tick correctly now, as a result it is way faster.
  • 0.21.1 protected
    c3b991aa · Update changelog ·
    Release: Release 0.21.1
    # Write a message for tag:
    #   0.21.1
    # Lines starting with '#' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to.
    # Changelog
    ## [0.21.1] - 2023-11-05
    ### Added
    - Menu screen with selector form Stormworks installation.
    - Button to export all curves as a single .ply mesh for special use-cases. Reducing the level of detail of the CurveSpec is recommended.
    - Logic to split a curve by inserting a new node somewhere along it, preserving its shape.
    - Temporary (wonky) UI to split a curve. Press H with a curve selected to start the flow.
    - Partial support for game version 1.6.2 (Industrial frontier).
    	- Arid island is loaded as an island instead of individual tiles.
    	- Handling for now-optional property 'category' in Definitions.
    - LueCurveSpec MeshInfo now has a full Transform.
    - Add support for DataModel `964ba3347f4c06b1dbaf52a9eda160749034952b`: CurveSpec / Extrusion added ability to split the curve into multiple segments each generating mesh and phys for the result. This will prevent a single mesh from being too big on very large or detailed curves.
    - IsTerrain is now visible to users and saved to XML.
    - ParentTileCorrection is now saved to XML.
    - Exposed more settings for TileExporter:
      - ConnectedNodeDetectionRadius: Radius to search for nodes that should be connected (between the ends of curves).
      - EnableSmartjunctionhandling
      - SmartJunctionhandlingRadius: Smartly handles the two diverging tracks of a junction so that the game does not mess it up (create junction in unwanted spot) while preserving the smoothness of the curve.
      - EnableUnintendedJunctionPrevention
      - UnintendedJunctionPreventionRadius: Removes nodes that are too close together and could make an unexpected junction in-game
      - EnableTrackTileBorderMitigation: Mitigate problems for train track nodes that cross tile borders (Note: there are still a few edge cases).
    - setting to load Rotation variants of tiles.
    - option in View menu to toggle sea.
    - keybind `h` to add playlist objects.
    - setting for sea floor height
    - setting for sea raycast, when enabled the sea will block raycast, so the camera focus will sit on the sea rather than the floor below, and raycast drag gizmo will also hit the sea.
    - Menu bar -> World -> Flatten Terrain: This flattens all mesh and phys objects marked as Terrain, allowing you to work in 2D-ish. You probably want to hide trees when you enable this. It will automatically be disabled when saving/exporting.
    - Updated DataModel adding xml compression for tiles *when saving* (it was already supported when loading).
    - Added Exit button in menu (yes, that was missing for months).
    - Added loading vehicles into mission zones based on a heuristic that looks at the tags. Can be disabled in the settings.
    	Looks for a vehicle component with `spawn_category=variant` and zones can then load that vehicle using `category=variant` the first match is used. `category` and `variant` are variables.
    - Playlist components can be toggled between environment and non-environment (mission) location with the checkbox (it is no longer read-only).
    - Vehicles can be added to a playlist, from either debris folder or user's saved vehicles. See known issues.
    - Support for lights from Stormworks: OmniLights, SpotLights and TubeLights. Note: Unity does not support TubeLights, so the light emitted from the TubeLight is just an OmniLight.
    - Setting to control how many lights are rendered, since they can affect performance significantly.
    - CurveSpecs update live using a FileWatcher. Note that any change will reload all of them, because untangling the dependency situation is non-trivial. I'll look at improving it *if* it becomes a problem.
    ### Changed
    - Removed obsolete id based ignore matching of TileItems.
    - Replace Text with TextMeshPro
    - Moved Donkk and Volcanic tile groups around so there is more separation between groups.
    - Updated to Unity 2022.3.10f1
    - Curves and Objects will now be placed on the nearest tile (up to 1.5km from the center) instead of harshly cutting off at the boundary.
    - General improvements to TileExporter maintainability by splitting out train track related logic to separate class that is in theory also testable.
    - Changed position of tile groups to accommodate the additional tiles that would appear when the 'Load rotation variants' setting is enabled.
    - Size of new playlist zones is now radius 1.
    - Improved lighting so shadows are not pure black: you can now see detail on the shadow side.
    ### Fixed
    - Playlists getting messed up when saved.
    - Playlist vehicles LoD broken after moving to another tile.
    - Orbit camera zoomed while mouse scrolled UI element.
    - CurveSpecs with no Physics at all would cause Exceptions.
    - About/VersionInfo BuildDate was shown in UTC instead of local.
    - EditArea could appear with scale in-game.
    - Camera focus marker text wouldn't be accurate sometimes.
    - Attempting to close the program while tile loading was still running could take a long time to actually close or freeze completely.
    - Camera would not respond to commands until the window was unfocussed and refocussed.
    - TileExporter's Prevent unintended junction step was slow, and would run multiple times.
    - - TileExporter's Prevent unintended junction step missing end in progress indication.
    - Playlist zone could not be scaled.
    - Playlist delete did remove the object from editor, but not from the playlist data, so would not really be removed.
    - VehicleLoader Component did not unload vehicle when path was set to null.
    - VehicleLoader Component did not load a vehicle when its path was set to null and then changed again to a vehicle that had been loaded earlier, because it thought there ware no changes.
    - Playlist zone spawn position was floating above terrain (because size changed) now automatically determined based on zone size.
    - Emissive shader didn't work properly (no color).
    - Playlist vehicle missing tags input field.
    ### Known Issues
    - Mission may fail to load due to changes to XML compression.
    - Vehicles added to a playlist have their `vehicle_123.xml` file created immediately and that file will stick around even if the playlist is not saved.
        Note this does work properly the other way around: files for removed vehicles are only deleted when the playlist is actually saved. This is due to technical complexities and will be fixed 'somewhen in the future'™.
    - Camera movement stutters sometimes.
  • 0.21.1-rc.4 protected
    b085ab49 · Another attempt to fix CI ·
    Release: Release 0.21.1-rc.4
  • 0.21.1-rc.3 protected
    f9c11f73 · fix ci ·
  • 0.21.1-rc.2 protected
    f4061f37 · fix ci ·
  • 0.21.1-rc.1 protected
    360807fc · fix ci ·
  • 0.21.1-rc.0 protected
  • 0.21.0-rc.8 protected
    935a836e · Update UnityCi image ·
  • 0.21.0-rc.7 protected
    b8f0a831 · Update DataModel ·
  • 0.21.0-rc.6 protected
    96873e6f · Update DataModel ·
  • 0.21.0-rc.5 protected
    686bc412 · Update DataModel ·
    Release: Release 0.21.0-rc.5
  • bisect_2
    e615ce5b · Update DataModel ·
    Bisect for finding introduction of broken shader on CI, step #2
  • bisect_1
    db6aef79 · Add license ·
    Bisect for finding introduction of broken shader on CI, step #2