Navgiation slow?
Multiple players have reported significantly decreased client performance while navigating.
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- Andy Castille added bug label
added bug label
Looking into the performance view of Firefox, much time is being spent in this blob:
lm:function(){var u,t u=$.hk() t=$.H if(,$.T.a0(t.gU()))===-1)return"You're off the path" else{u=$.hk() t=$.H,$.T.a0(t.gU())) u=$.hk() if(t<u.length-1){t=$.H,$.T.a0(t.gU()))+1 if(t<0||t>=u.length)return H.x(u,t) return u[t]}else{u=$.aE();(u&&C.D).q(u,"gps_navigating") return"You have arrived"}}}
I think it's this function?
Also, this:
th:function(){var u,t,s,r,q,p,o,n,m u=$.ah t=u.r s=u.x if(typeof u!=="number")return u.a3() if(typeof s!=="number")return s.m() p=$.hg.r o=p.length n=0 while(!0){if(!(n<p.length)){r=null q=null break}m=p[n] if(H.aC(J.bL(m.h(0,"streets"),Q.lm()))){r=J.bK(J.aI(m.h(0,"streets")),1)?H.a6(,"x"),100)):H.a6(m.h(0,"x")) q=H.a6(,"y"),115)) break}p.length===o||(0,H.aD)(p);++n}if(r==null||q==null)return 0 if(typeof r!=="number")return r.w() if(typeof t!=="number")return H.t(t) return Math.atan2(q-(s+u/2),r-t)-4.71238898038469}
Probably that?
The obfuscated code is hard to read.
- Andy Castille mentioned in commit 176e823f
mentioned in commit 176e823f
- Andy Castille closed
Is that commit already deployed to production?
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Not exactly...see Slack :)
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