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  • Alain Reguera Delgado's avatar
    fix: 🐛 Update documentation and filenames · 84aea441
    Alain Reguera Delgado authored
    * docs: 📚 rephrase sentence about visual distractions
    * docs: 📚 add artistic motif description and usage sections
    * chore: 🤖 rename file from background.kra to motif.kra
    * chore: 🤖 remove .kra~ backup file
    * fix: 🐛 add latest tag when producing container image
    * fix: 🐛 create container image with centos motif final files
    * fix: 🐛 update repository directory structure
    * docs: 📚 update the readme file title to be generic
    * ci: 🎡 update pipeline and semantic-release configuration