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Loading optimization (no GUI changes)

Dmitry K requested to merge k1-801/OpenRGB:loading_optimization_nogui into master

Only the ResourceManager and init sequence updates from !2527 (closed) Changes:

  • Local server connection, CLI post-detection options processing, server startup after detection are offloaded to ResourceManager, the whole sequence happens in a background thread
  • CLI options are now preserved in the cli.cpp file, so they don't need to be passed to ResourceManager to have them processed
  • ResourceManager keeps an "Init Stage" variable that can be used to show the stage of initialization RM is going through (IS_READY when fully initialized).
  • ResourceManager also tracks all detectors that were "discarded" bc they are disabled in settings. This and the init stage variable are going to be used later for the UI changes, but they can also be useful in other places (for example, the Settings page for supported devices could mark the rows for discarded devices). GUI-related trackers were moved to GUI MR.
  • GUI appears on the screen immediately (instead of after server discovery times out)
  • Plugin loading is postponed until AFTER initial detection is finished
Edited by Dmitry K

Merge request reports
