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WIP: Using NGINX to serve static files

CSDUMMI requested to merge NGINX_new into master

This makes it possible to serve static content more efficiently using NGINX. NGINX can serve thousands of parallel requests at the same time. It uses NGINX to serve to kinds of files:

  • /static files necessary for running the server
  • /assets files uploaded by the users. This doesn't yet implement the any means to upload to /assets but that should be easy, given this basis to work on.

Technical Description

NGINX runs on the same container as app. I have changed the container type from python:3.7 to python:3.7-alpine, which makes it smaller, securer and faster to build. This means it takes little time to build and run the server, which is a direct gain in productivity. There are three special directories for this:

  • nginx.conf in the root of the repo, which is mapped to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  • /static in root, which is mapped to /static folder and made accessible through the /static route.
  • user-data named volume, which is mapped to /assets and made available through the /assets route. Here you upload all your files, images, etc. Although the current server really only has 300 GB of storage.

NGINX also handles SSL and encryption much more easily than gunicorn. To run this server, just execute:

$ sudo docker-compose up --build

Which will start the HTTPS Server on port 443

How to go from here

With this a the base, we can now make it possible to upload files and reference them from posts. This doesn't implement a specific method to do so, but makes most of those thinkable possible.

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