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Bug fixes

CSDUMMI requested to merge UserRelationsAndMessageRelations into master

The bugs are fixed! You can now follow people.

I've solved the bugs and tested it as well. So now, you can follow and unfollow other users, everywhere their name happens to appear.

Technical Description

I have fixed the Application error, by introducing a better interface as methods on the User class in


User.is_following(self, followed) returns True if self follows the followed.

User.follow(self, followed) returns True, if a new Follower record was created with self as the follower and followed as the field with the same name.

User.unfollow(self, followed) returns True if all existing Follower records, where self was the follower and followed in the field with the same name, were deleted.

With this interface I made the Follow/Unfollow button in the format_user filter possible.

Merge request reports