test behavior when there is no sandbox on Linux
Ensure helpful messages are raised when there are no sandbox available on Linux
Removing some caching has some performance implication. I tried running 3 times every type (full cache removal, only platform, no cache removal) to compare.
With only platform removal, the penalty hit over the entire test suite is 2 to 5%. With the whole cache removal, the penalty hit is 8 to 10%.
I therefore think that only wiping the platform is a good first step, and only wiping the bwrap cache for tests that need it is simpler.
Changes proposed in this merge request:
- Erase platform between each test for better isolation
- Add tests about sandbox
- Erase bwrap cache only for these specific changes
This merge request, when approved, will close: #736 (closed) and #696 (closed)
Edited by Benjamin Schubert