Skip to content Fix error when integration is false

I was getting the following when I set config.integration to False. This is the smallest change required to fix the problem, but it might benefit for being looked at to make sure it's all being sane.

[--:--:--] BUG     [debian-python-split.bst]: Build

    An unhandled exception occured:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/jonathanmaw/workspace/buildstream/buildstream/buildstream/_scheduler/", line 255, in child_action
        result = self.action(element)
      File "/home/jonathanmaw/workspace/buildstream/buildstream/buildstream/_scheduler/", line 34, in process
      File "/home/jonathanmaw/workspace/buildstream/buildstream/buildstream/", line 768, in _assemble
        collect = self.assemble(sandbox)
      File "/home/jonathanmaw/workspace/buildstream/buildstream/buildstream/plugins/elements/", line 125, in assemble
        manifest += integration_files
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'integration_files' referenced before assignment

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