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Make message & status rendering be tick driven by default

Tom Pollard requested to merge tpollard/messagerate into master

One way to stop excessively redrawing the UI is to limit when we clear the status area, for the propagation of messages to the user. This approach makes the message printing be tick driven (when tick is present, i.e when a scheduler is executing) by default, with the user having the option to disable the limit via user conf.

As such, it may make more sense to have the rate limit as opt-in. Reducing the amount of echoing calls should help low performing terminal hosts, whilst also producing a more consumable output. Current benchmarks are in the comments section

Side-by-side clip of this branch / master, building the synthetic debian target

Changes proposed in this merge request:

  • By default, only render messages & status area updates per tick, which is currently 1s in a scheduler executing pipeline
  • Allow this to be configurable by user config (currently bool, could be int)
  • Ensure non scheduler executing tasks behave as is, and all messages are flushed correctly before exiting

Edited by Tom Pollard

Merge request reports