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Gracefully shutdown children on termination

Benjamin Schubert requested to merge bschubert/graceful-children-sigterm into master


This ensures we show graceful termination of workers when we abort a build and cleans up some reporting about missing children.

Fix #1185 (closed) (needs backporting to bst 1.4)


  • Finished in: 206 mins, 23 secs
  • Number of builders: [4, 8, 12]
  • Target files: base-files/base-files.bst
  • Number of runs: 5
  • Number of warmups: 2
  • Python versions: py37
action python_version commit median time (secs) mean time (secs) ± std
build - 12 py37 bschubert/graceful-children-sigterm - f59d4e3f 303.34 301.39 ± 4.19
py37 master - b20ea08f 299.64 300.53 ± 5.26
build - 4 py37 bschubert/graceful-children-sigterm - f59d4e3f 281.67 283.00 ± 3.51
py37 master - b20ea08f 285.08 283.27 ± 11.26
build - 8 py37 bschubert/graceful-children-sigterm - f59d4e3f 285.07 282.89 ± 6.46
py37 master - b20ea08f 278.81 277.64 ± 3.13
show py37 bschubert/graceful-children-sigterm - f59d4e3f 5.65 5.65 ± 0.02
py37 master - b20ea08f 4.38 4.37 ± 0.01
show - cached py37 bschubert/graceful-children-sigterm - f59d4e3f 5.69 5.67 ± 0.05
py37 master - b20ea08f 5.62 5.63 ± 0.02

There were 5 runs of each command.

Overall, it seems like only inconsistencies in the benchmarks rather than real slow down.

Edited by Benjamin Schubert

Merge request reports