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Add Tags to non benchmarking jobs in the pipeline and associated protective logic

Lachlan requested to merge lachlanmackenzie/AddTagToCleanupStage into master


Currently tags are not set on every job in the pipeline this can cause certain jobs to run on different git runners causing issues with the runner script due to shell dependencies. Adding reciprocal tags into the gitlab runner should now restrict these jobs to running on the same runner as the benchmark tests

Further preventative logic is also added to protect publication of results through the 'publish' tag added to "trigger_build" so that publication/retention of data can be more finely controlled during master branch updates.

Changes proposed in this merge request:

  • Add cleanup tag to clean stage job.
  • Add publishing tag to trigger_build stage.
  • Add logic to only allow caching of results and publication to the instance if the "PUBLISH_RESULT" build variable is set.

This merge request, when merged, will address issue/bug:

All jobs in a pipeline should run on the same gitlab runner. Build results should only be retained and published if "PUBLISH_RESULT"

Merge request reports