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Add a project that resembles the structure of Debian Stretch

James Ennis requested to merge jennis/add_debian_import_project into master


Bstgen is a great tool for creating a large, long or wide, BuildStream project. @willsalmon has made progress (!12 (merged)) in expanding the capabilities of this tool so that it can produce a project which is both large and wide.

This is useful to test how BuildStream copes with scale, however, BuildStream has recently been facing performance issues for projects which are large and have complicated dependency relationships.

With this in mind, this MR introduces a BuildStream project which resembles the structure and (most of) the dependency relationships in Debian Stretch and was created with a converter tool.

Such a project is more realistic thus can be used as a good place to start our benchmarking. With this project, we're simply creating import elements which import themselves as files. However, we are particularly interested in the element load time, which is currently quite slow when we're dealing with projects this large and complicated in terms of dependencies.

Notes about the project

  • Elements were converted from Debian Stretch from the 20181220T032349Zsnapshot
  • There are 50820 .bst's in this project
  • It's not a truly accurate reflection of Debian Stretch as circular dependencies have been removed with an external tool.

Merge request reports