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Remove the rabbitmq forks of components

Cal Pratt requested to merge cpratt34/remove-rmq into master


As it stands, the majority of features required to release the RMQ modules are incomplete. The setup for the application has been forked extensively from the existing setup, including the CLI logic; the configuration Yaml parser; the configuration Yaml schemas; the Operations servicer; the Bots servicer; the Server class itself; and all of the testing for them.

Having to maintain separate forks of all of these components has made it extremely difficult to work on larger refactorings, such as the new servicer/instance interfaces and now the configs yaml parsers. Changes to the core server setup are well tested, however, changes to the rmq setup is mostly unvalidated (presumably because it requires writing the logic twice), leaving me with low confidence these features would actually work in production setups.

To allow development on the main server architecture to continue with confidence, I am proposing to remove this unused/uncompleted functionality. If we choose to revisit this concept later, I would like to see it heavily redesigned such that it can integrate into the existing server/servicer/instance framework, re-using as much infrastructure as possible. The history still exists for these components, so we will always have the option to add them back later... and at that point we can update the logic with the refactorings to come.

Let me know your thoughts (P.S. if this choice is unpopular I will close the MR)!

Merge request reports