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`Client`: return number of gRPC retries performed

Santiago Gil requested to merge santigl/grpc-retry-metrics into master

Before raising this MR, consider whether the following are required, and complete if so:

  • Unit tests
  • [ ] Metrics
  • [ ] Documentation update(s)

If not required, please explain in brief why not.


This adds an optional argument to Client methods to return the number of gRPC retries performed. (In the future, the same parameter can be extended to return other performance metrics.)

Changes proposed in this merge request:

  • Define a RequestStats struct (currently containing a single member: grpcRetryCount)
  • Overload methods to take an optional pointer to a RequestStats.
  • Add Client::issueRequestUpdateStatsAndThrowOnErrors() helper

Issues addressed

#60 (closed)

Edited by Santiago Gil

Merge request reports