Skip to content Use environment variables for different buildgrid configurations

Neill Whillans requested to merge neill/add_bgdconfig into master


This request makes use of two environment variables BUILDGRID_CONFIG and DISTRIBUTED_BUILDGRID that can be used within bin/ to indicate an alternative to the default buildgrid configuration of bgdconfig.yml.

BUILDGRID_CONFIG can be used to indicate the buildgrid config to use for an alternative single server configuration, while DISTRUBUTED_BUILDGRID indicates a bash script that can be used to construct a buildgrid configuration over multiple servers.

If neither environment variable is passed then the test would use the default config 'bgdconfig.yml'


docker run -e BUILDGRID_CONFIG="bgdconfig_new.yml" e2e-runner /tests/
docker run -e DISTRIBUTED_BUILDGRID="" e2e-runner /tests/

where could look something like:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Example of a 'distributed' buildgrid, with all services, apart from 
# the standalone service 'bots',on one server.
# Environment variables used in

bgd server start "$BUILDBOX_E2E_DATA_DIR/bgdconfig_cas_plus.yml" &

sleep 5  # Give server some time to boot
netstat -pln | grep 50051  # Check for server existence

bgd server start "$BUILDBOX_E2E_DATA_DIR/bgdconfig_bots.yml" &

sleep 5  # Give server some time to boot
netstat -pln | grep 50054  # Check for server existence

Changes proposed in this merge request:

  • Changes to to handle two new environment variables BUILDGRID_CONFIG and DISTRIBUTED_BUILDGRID

Issues addressed

Required change, in order to address buildgrid issue #383

Edited by Neill Whillans

Merge request reports