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  • Søren Bredlund Caspersen's avatar
    [doc] Reduce markdown lint errors · 80d66951
    Søren Bredlund Caspersen authored and freetrader's avatar freetrader committed
    Reduce number of markdown lint errors by moving indented codeblocks to fenced codeblocks instead.
    Notice in and doc/ that the code in lists now render as intended in the mkdocs output.
    - Check out master
    - `markdownlint -c .markdownlint.json -o /tmp/before contrib/devtools/ contrib/seeds/ contrib/testgen/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/gitian-building/ doc/gitian-building/`
    - Check out this MR
    - `markdownlint -c .markdownlint.json -o /tmp/after contrib/devtools/ contrib/seeds/ contrib/testgen/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/ doc/gitian-building/ doc/gitian-building/`
    - Compare the `before` and `after` output files, especially notice there are no MD046 in the `after` file.
    - `mkdocs serve` and browse the affected files. Especially http://localhost:8000/doc/developer-notes/, and notice that the rendered list show the intention of the actual `*.md` file.
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