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  • Tino Goratsch's avatar
    feature/seo sitemap (#44) · ecc3fc5f
    Tino Goratsch authored
    * fix the Travis CI script
    * added 2 more paths to the .gitignore file
    * laid the groundwork for the SEO sitemap.xml generation
    * unified the naming of various *AvailabilityRegistrar classes, etc.
    * save current work in progress at implementing the sitemap generator
    * - updated the .gitignore file to ignore sitemap.xml files too
    * extended the ModelSaveEvent with the called module name
    * added a first rough version of the XML sitemap generation
    * updated the changelog
    * minor fix
    * moved some files around...
    * - implemented the sitemap generation capability for the news module
    - refactored the SitemapAvailabilityExtension class a little bit to reduce the code duplication
    * implemented the sitemap generation capability for the contact module
    * implemented the sitemap generation capability for the files module
    * minor code refactoring
    * implemented the sitemap generation capability for the gallery module
    * extended the sitemap generation of the files module
    * - added a new switch to the SEO settings to enable or disable the sitemap generation
    - added a new switch to the SEO settings to select whether the sitemap should be generation on model save or manually
    * added the possibility to manually refresh/generate the SEO sitemap
    * do not trigger the page cache invalidation when in developer mode, as the page cache is disabled when the developer mode is engaged
    * - minor bug fix for refresh ACP3 installation
    - extended the validation of the mailer system settings
    * updated the changelog
    * improved the changelog
    * added some references to related Github issues to the changelog
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