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Aux Rewrite: 501st Acklay RTOs

Ahmanni Kable requested to merge dev/ahmanni/acklay-rtos into development

Acklay RTO Uniforms & Equipment

  • New Aux501 Acklay RTO Helmets added
  • New Aux501 Acklay RTO Uniforms added
  • New Aux501 Acklay RTO Vests added
  • New Aux501 Acklay RTO Facewear added
  • RD501 Acklay RTO Helmets made pink to give time to remake kits
  • RD501 Acklay RTO Uniforms made pink to give time to remake kits
  • RD501 Acklay RTO Vests made pink to give time to remake kits

Here is the list of things to test:

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Helmets exist in the Arsenal and are wearable

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Helmets appear in ACE Arsenal and all ACE Extended options work

  • RD501 Acklay RTO Helmets are now pink

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Uniforms exist in the Arsenal and are wearable

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Uniforms appear in ACE Arsenal and all ACE Extended options work

  • RD501 Acklay RTO Uniforms are now pink

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Vests exist in the Arsenal and are wearable

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Vests appear in ACE Arsenal and all ACE Extended options work

  • RD501 Acklay RTO Vests are now pink

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Facewear exist in the Arsenal and are wearable

  • Aux501 Acklay RTO Facewear appear in the ACE Arsenal and all ACE extended options work

Edited by Great 501st

Merge request reports