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Fullscreen fixes

Pazaz requested to merge Pazaz/2009scape-client:fullscreen-fixes into master
  1. A white-screen bug/crash noted by Ryan on Pop!_OS has been fixed. Appears to be caused by an inability to change the display mode the same way on other platforms, likely unrelated to Java. It switches to what is basically a borderless fullscreen mode instead -- just there is a weird mutter bug causing the system's taskbar to be fixed on the screen.
  2. Alt-tabbing no longer takes you out of fullscreen. There is a bug introduced here, although minor imo, in that it actually breaks alt-tabbing if you pick a non-native resolution. You have to manually switch to windowed to be able to leave the game, for me on Windows it basically appears to be always-on-top. No workarounds worked so it might be good to come back to this later. Basically: just play on whatever your monitor is set to
  3. The old frame gets hidden when you go into fullscreen (yes the "HD" fullscreen mode is a new frame) at the same time as creating the new one. This does that and changes the name/icon of the window to match the windowed frame. It won't appear in your OS' app list when you cycle through alt+tab.

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