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Dragon Plateleg/Plateskirt Drop Table Update (Authentic)

Von requested to merge (removed):master into master

I got into a conversation with a good friend about the price of Dragon Platelegs and Plateskirts. Curious about the drop rates, I did some digging and noticed several drop rate inconsistencies among all the monsters that drop Dragon Platelegs and Plateskirts. These include Bronze, Iron, and Steel dragons, and the Revenant ghosts that roam the wilderness.

For the Metallic Dragons, their current drop rate for Dragon Platelegs/Plateskirts is Roughly 1/1800 each. According to the OSRS drop tables...

  • Bronze dragons should drop them at Roughly 1/2000 each (1/1000 to get one of the two)
  • Iron dragons should drop them at Roughly 1/1000 each (1/500 to get one of the two)
  • Steel dragons should drop them at Roughly 1/500 each (1/250 to get one of the two)

As for the Revenants, their current drop rate for Dragon Platelegs/Plateskirts is Roughly 1/1900 each.

According to the OSRS drop tables, Revenants drop higher grade equipment based off their level and type (Dragons have a high rate, and Imps have a low rate). To make things easier, the early development team settled on making the drop rates for all Revenants similar (This makes the OSRS drop rates for Revenants unreliable).

However, the only Dragon gear that has a different drop rate than all the rest, is the Dragon Plateleg and Plateskirt. According to the OSRS drop tables, Dragon equipment is dropped at an equal rate (Dragon Daggers drop the same rate as Dragon 2Hs).

This is all to say, I've changed the drop rates of the Dragon Platelegs and Plateskirts to that of the other Dragon gear (They currently drop 5x less often than the others)(Changed from 0.06% to 0.3%).

This is my first merge request since switching to GitLab, so if there are any problems, let me know.

Edited by Von

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