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Various small textual fixes

Player Name requested to merge PlayerName/2009scape:various into master

What has been done in this MR?

  • Replace with player.username in the Digsite examination certificates
  • Fix some obvious typos in the grand tree quest dialogue (although I would vote to keep "King Nardone" 😁 ), the Entrana monk, slayer gem dialogue
  • Replace unicode with ascii in the grand tree quest & plague city quest

What should testers check?

  • Confirm that the exam certificates read as, e.g., Player Name, rather than player_name
  • No mojibake anywhere in the game (e.g. quotation marks rendering as "’")
  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.

  • I used the relevant Thanos/Zaros tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes.

Edited by Player Name

Merge request reports