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NPC additions to Piscatoris fishing colony

Trident101 requested to merge Trident101/09-scape-dev:Pisc-Additions into master

What have you done in this MR?

  • (Partially) Added Franklin Caranos's dialogue - Franklin has two slight divertions in his dialogue if the player has one sheet, or multiple sheets in their inventory. I couldn't figure out how to implement it (properly). I could either do with help there, or it can be added later by someone else;
  • Added Herman Caranos's dialogue;
  • Added a spawn location for Herman Caranos;
  • Added npc movement to Franklin Caranos;
  • Added Skeleton mage to npc_configs, movement when casting or dying are not correct, I could not find the correct ones. But a skeleton mage now (visually) casts spells, and their examine text is now correct.

Currently a player is unable to reach the fishing colony, due to a check on the Swan Song quest. Perhaps this check can currently be commented out or any other (more proper) way of allowing players access to the fishing colony till Swan Song is implemented.

Are there any tricky things testers should keep an eye out for?

  • No
  • Yes, as follows:
  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.
  • This requires extra testing due to changes to architecture or other similarly risky changes.
  • I used the Thanos Tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes. I've tried to use Thanos, but it's not functioning properly, i've created an issue for it. Instead i have used Visual Studio Code so that the validity of the JSON will be checked during any changes.
  • I acknowledge that this contribution will be released under the AGPL license.

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Edited by Trident101

Merge request reports