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Fixed Many Issues 3

Zerken requested to merge Zerken/2009-scape-zerken:fix-many-issues-3 into master

What have you done in this MR?

Resolved #1404 (closed) :

  • Fixed the mining level requirement of perfect gold ore to be 40 instead of 46
  • Resolved a issue where gold rock scenery (id:2099) was rewarding perfect gold ore on gold rocks outside of the Witchaven dungeon (The gold rocks on northwest brimhaven in a circle)

Resolved #1274 :

  • You can no longer bring followers

Resolved #1386 (closed) :

  • The grand tree mines roots now properly animate and play the correct sound when pushing them

Resolved #1514 : use ::cleardiary to reset diaries

  • The correct thieving level is now required

Resolved #1494 (closed) :

  • Added the correct dialogue message to inspecting the cactus with the red scarf from tourist trap

Resolved #1517 (closed) : ::rolldrops 2882 1000

  • Corrected Dagganoth Prime to drop air, earth, and water talismans to drop noted and the correct amounts between 1 and 80. dprime

Sources: The sources are all over the place but the one thing I am sure of is that the dagganoth prime should drop noted air, earth, and water talismans. I have decided to go with a min of 1 and max of 80 and left the drop rate at 1/43 (uncommon). As for comparison early osrs sources sept 2014 do say 1-80 as noted drop which seems correct.

Resolved #1236 :

Resolved #1228 :

  • Arctic pines now reward 40 xp authenic to jan of 2009 instead of sept of 2009. Source

Resolved #1068 : use ::grow to advance crop growth stages

  • All farming patch tree chop rates have been corrected
  • Also, fixed a issue where the player would continue to chop farming patch trees after they get chopped down

Resolved #606 : Does not really need testing

  • Fixed the typo in the word Jenkiins -> Jenkins

Are there any tricky things testers should keep an eye out for?

  • No
  • Yes, as follows:
  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.
  • This requires extra testing due to changes to architecture or other similarly risky changes.
  • I used the Thanos Tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes.
  • I acknowledge that this contribution will be released under the AGPL license.

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Merge request reports