Immersive sound update 2
What have you done in this MR?
- Resolved #1357 (closed) : Fixed all skills to play their correct level up jingles. All skills except agility have 2 level up jingles. Most skills play a different jingle when you have new unlocks. Some skills have specific jingles based on level/range. (Strength, Hitpoints, Hunter, Construction, Summoning)
- Implemented furnace sound when crafting silver and gold jewellry at a furnace using moulds
- Implemented emptying sound for fishbowls
- Fixed cow milking sound so it plays for more than one bucket
- Implemented sound when pushing a canoe into the water from a canoe station
- Fixed quest complete jingles to play a random 1 of 3 quest jingles
- Implemented jingle that plays when changing clothes at Thessalia in varrock
- Implemented jingle that plays when spying on a penguin
- Implemented jingle that plays when you login and have completed grand exchange offers in your collection box
- Implemented sound when spinning items at a spinning wheel
Are there any tricky things testers should keep an eye out for?
No -
Yes, as follows: -
I have tested these changes thoroughly. -
This requires extra testing due to changes to architecture or other similarly risky changes. -
I used the Thanos Tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes. -
I acknowledge that this contribution will be released under the AGPL license.
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