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Add functionality for Falador chemist lantern achievment to be obtainable

Swizey requested to merge Swizey/2009scape:887-fix-fally-lantern into master

Made the necessary changes to allow for the "Light a bullseye lantern in the chemist's" Falador medium achievement to be obtained.

This also adds an event that is emitted when a light source is lit. I am not sure if this is a particularly useful event, so I am open to alternatives if anyone has a better idea.

Are there any tricky things testers should keep an eye out for?

  • No
  • Yes, as follows:

  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.

  • This requires extra testing due to changes to architecture or other similarly risky changes.

  • I used the Thanos Tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes.

  • I acknowledge that this contribution will be released under the AGPL license.

Closes #887 (closed)


Merge request reports