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Json changes

Ghost User requested to merge (removed):json-changes into master

What have you done in this MR?

Add missing attack/defence animations to items:

Ogre club closes #857 (closed) Source: Youtube
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Oak/Willow/Maple blackjack Source: NPC id 1905
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Mud battlestaff closes #854 (closed) Source: Staff of air
Steam battlestaff closes #850 (closed) Source: Staff of air
+ Temporarily replaced the strange animation with a climbing animation until a Mountain Daughter quest is not implemented. closes #595 (closed)
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before after

Are there any tricky things testers should keep an eye out for?

  • No

  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.

  • This requires extra testing due to changes to architecture or other similarly risky changes.

  • I used the Thanos Tool for any JSON edits where possible, and I attached videos of any changes.

  • I acknowledge that this contribution will be released under the AGPL license.

Edited by Ryan

Merge request reports