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Alexander - Remove Territory Bonus Aura, add Attack, Speed, and Attack de-buff Auras


  1. Removed "Imperialism" Structures +10% Territory influence Aura
  2. Added "Rapid Conquest" Aura: Radius 60 Meters, Own Soldiers Attack Damage +10% Movement Speed + 15%.
  3. Added "Undefeated" Aura: Radius 30 Meters, Enemy Soldiers, Structures Attack Damage -10%.
  4. Retained Conqueror Aura: Radius 60 Meters, Enemy Civic Centers -50% Capture Point Regeneration Rate


As Alexander, better to gain territory by prevailing over enemies rather than a general territory boost aura. Having never lost a battle, rapidly forming the largest Ancient Empire, Alexander ought to be THE, or ONE OF the best heroes in the game. The short range de-buff aura well suits Alexander's hands on role in battles, requiring close engagement to receive the benefit.

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