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  • Issues I have:

    1. my pulumi preview continuously shows some differences to the outputs ( - but in the diff there are no properties changed
    2. I cannot see userId and password outputs (specified as outputs of my dynamic resource) to be included in the outputs (
    3. I am not sure how I should declare that the User.password output property is a secret - shall I use additionalSecretOutputs in the provider opts to the User super constructor call (at
  • I've found causes of my issues:

    1. - when a resource object is exported directly it contains some "hidden" properties that cause differences but these properties are not shown in the output (properties like __aliases, __provider etc.)

    2. Resource args passed to the dynamic resource super constructor must include entries for the resource output properties (in my case userId and password), e.g. {userId: undefined, password: undefined, ...args}:


      constructor(resourceName: string, args: UserArgs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
          super(userProvider, `mycorp:mysystem:User:${resourceName}`, args, opts);


      constructor(resourceName: string, args: UserArgs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
          super(userProvider, `mycorp:mysystem:User:${resourceName}`, {userId: undefined, password: undefined, ...args}, opts);
    3. I used additionalSecretOutputs entry in the CustomResourceOptions opts passed to the super constructor: {...opts, additionalSecretOutputs: ['password']}

    Fixed version of the User resource class:

    export class User extends pulumi.dynamic.Resource {
        public readonly userId: pulumi.Output<string>
        public readonly password: pulumi.Output<string>
        constructor(resourceName: string, args: UserArgs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
            super(userProvider, `mycorp:mysystem:User:${resourceName}`,
                {userId: undefined, password: undefined, ...args},
                {...opts, additionalSecretOutputs: ['password']});        
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