Quicklisp downloads
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Total number of downloads of the 100 most downloaded Quicklisp libraries in 2020.
ql-downloads.lisp 1.01 KiB
;; https://github.com/phoe/quicklisp-stats
(ql:quickload :quicklisp-stats)
(in-package :quicklisp-stats)
(defparameter *best-hundred* (subseq (month 2020 01) 0 100)
"The 100 most downloaded libraries of January, 2020.")
(defparameter *best-hundred-names* (mapcar #'car *best-hundred*)
"List of names (string) of the most popular libraries.")
;; For each month of 2020 (`all` is actually all of 2020),
;; addition the number of downloads of the 100 principal libraries.
(loop for ((year month) . data) in (all)
do (format t ";; ~4,'0D-~2,'0D: ~D~%" year month
(loop for (name . nb) in data
when (position name *BEST-HUNDRED-NAMES* :test #'equalp)
sum nb)))
;; 2020-01: 620972
;; 2020-02: 525631
;; 2020-03: 643481
;; 2020-04: 571901
;; 2020-05: 539852
;; 2020-06: 515753
;; 2020-07: 538514
;; 2020-08: 418577
;; 2020-09: 500678
;; 2020-10: 533413
;; 2020-11: 436870
;; 2020-12: 402688
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