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  • Great. Worked for me. I got some qemu system call errors during dpkg and apt-install:

    qemu: Unsupported syscall: 277

    (I think in relation with updating man-db). But I could just kill the underlying process and apt install went through.

    One problem is that on standard images boot partition is quite small - so another update-initramfs fails.

  • Thanks for testing it out.

    On my system, that process eventually times out, but it's good to have a workaround documented here.

    There should be a new version of osk-sdl some time next week with better handling of the initramfs size. Currently we have the kernel drivers for both Librem5 and Pinephone being put in initramfs. Some of the groundwork has cut the image down to 68Mb.

  • This works great for me as well - ran this from a Debian 10 host system. I had a few of those unsupported syscalls too but there was no other noticeable issue.

  • Would it be possible to add some error handling? Most importantly for 1. image is missing, 2. multiple images are in the current folder, 2. losetup fails, 3. cryptsetup luksFormat or luksOpen fail, 4. osk-sdl file is missing, 4. qemu-aarch64-static is not installed. It feels pretty unsafe and scary that it currently just trucks through doing whatever even though some commands failed, copying into nothingness or doing who knows what running all these commands anyway even though paths don't exist etc.

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