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Add a safe operator to ensure timed events can't crash a save with deleted forever events

Rey requested to merge TheRey/pokemonsdk:timed_events_security into development

MR Description

  • This MR adds a safe operator to a line of the set_self_switch to ensure a crash can't happen for some reasons (timed_events, event-making errors)

Before testing

  • Make sure to test this using the virtual time. Or else, you'll have to wait a lot and I don't think anyone wants to wait too much :b

Tests to realize

  • Create an event which contains a trigger_event_in(5, "A") command, and then a delete_this_event_forever command, then play it ingame: the event should be deleted, and after the number of minutes ingame forwarded to the trigger_event_in, the game shouldn't crash at all.

Sources related to this MR

Merge request reports