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    0.19.11 · 4ad9b3da
    Appsemble authored
    ### Added
    - Block(`form`): Add `data-path` attribute to root node of the DOM output.
    - Block(`markdown`): Add `data-path` attribute to root node of the DOM output.
    - App: Add `from` field to `email` action. This can be used to customize the name when Appsemble sends emails.
    - App: Add option to set a default email name when sending emails for an app.
    - Appsemble: Add property `path` to `BootstrapParams`.
    - Create-appsemble: Release `create-appsemble`.
    ### Fixed
    - App: Fix language preference in app settings not always updating appropriately.
    - Create-appsemble: Fix typing issues in `preact` and `mini-jsx` templates.
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