@edgebal - You're exactly right. We missed tablet / medium layouts altogether. I've done up an example tablet layout for the Pro page, which you can find via the following link.
The above is designed at a width of 900px. Ideally the margin illustrated in the design should be maintained.
I suggest for now we maintain three sizes only. We won't worry about orientation for now. The breakpoints detailed below seem like sensible defaults to me, but feel free to tweak as you see necessary.
Small (Mobile) < 500px
Medium (Tablet / Small Desktop) >= 500px & < 1000px
Large (Desktop) >= 1000px
The above design will play very nicely with all other product pages. I'll try to take a look at the Homepage tablet layout today, given that there some nuances with the homepage design.
Michael Bradleymarked the checklist item @michaelfbradley: define what should change between desktop / tablet viewports and/or tablet / mobile. as completed
marked the checklist item @michaelfbradley: define what should change between desktop / tablet viewports and/or tablet / mobile. as completed
Emiliano Balbuenamarked the checklist item @michaelfbradley: define what should change between desktop / tablet viewports and/or tablet / mobile. as incomplete
marked the checklist item @michaelfbradley: define what should change between desktop / tablet viewports and/or tablet / mobile. as incomplete