Merged 2 issues into this to keep conversation history at hand for the issue.
@GailMcGowanMellor and others report that their blogs have disappeared, and it appears that the link generates a thumbnail but does not display. Links to the H&S queries:
Hey, not a bother. I've still been unable to replicate a some of them, for example we recently fixed some bugs in the blogs section, but specifically with things like the post/save button breaking, I've been totally unable to make happen for me.
Have you seen it happen at all? Maybe its something we've fixed inadvertently, but I don't like settling on that answer very much.
I know that you need for me to say something exact, but all I can give you is that the Post/Save button has not broken, which may mean it's fixed. Blogs feels better, safer, smoother; because it's just not hitching on me, ever, although the P/S bug may be lying in wait just hoping I'd lower my guard and say that, so it can laugh and freeze.
Please do keep me updated if you experience any more issues. The issues we've fixed in blogs could have fixed it, one was something relating to the buttons bar, another was image selection... and a few other various things. Maybe one of those was the root cause, but I'm not comfortable closing this ticket until we are 100%, so let us see what happens.
I'll continue to monitor and maybe thicken our testing around the area of blogs.
Quite the contrary, I just absentmindedly clicked a notification, which would have lost the unsaved parts of the blogpiece that I was writing, only to encounter the new warning message. Saved by the Ben! No, I have not experienced any screen freezes and I've been writing quite a lot. In terms of smooth and stable it's like a new blog platform. Please thank everyone. :)
I do note that lots of things that aren't bugs but are real problems aren't fixed yet. For example, I still can't move linked or illustrated copy cross-platform or even within the document without loosing the links and/or graphics. That for us is serious.
We do still need automatic save, which is a different animal, for those times when a computer connection burps, or the scene freezes, etc., but this simple warning, is a grand addition. Do you know where the team is on giving us a choice between two graphic sizes? That would be gravy but good gravy.
Will bring up minds#733 (closed) with the team this week and see if we can get the ball rolling on that. I entirely appreciate the frustration that must come with that.
Automatic save - is something that will take a good amount of planning on our end. I know @ottman is keen to see us implement it though, so hopefully we can make it happen in the near future. I'm thinking alongside auto-save though, we will have to implement things like version history.
You're right. The multiple graphic sizes would have to be part of solving the cross-platform problem (of losing links and graphics when we paste from somewhere else or even within the document), because typically I use smaller graphics when writing elsewhere. I think most people/platforms do.
Having a history of versions is MUCH less important than having auto-save. That should come first. When you do give us version saes, make it optional. On longreads, versions can take up a lot of server space, very unnecessarily, because the platform interprets any save as a version.. We ought to be able to decide when we're through editing, puttering, obsessing and rearranging and have a "version" that we want to save. Giving up a toggle will save you a lot of server space too.
It's all good though. You're making a whale of a difference already....
My worry making me lean towards version history, is that you could write over part of an article that you want, and if it auto-saved permanently, you'd lose the content when you refreshed. It's a good idea to make auto-save optional definitely, I think leaving that up to the authors writing style makes sense.
I'm looking at this particular issue now (with your old posts being marked as NSFW in your personal blogs section) - I think I understand why its happening, but I'm wondering, if a user marks a blog as NSFW, and others see it that way (so all is well), should it really have the NSFW grey overlay when the user is browsing their own blogs page?
Maybe.. maybe not. Will have to have a think on it.