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Commits on Source (2)
context('Login', () => {
context('Newsfeed', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
cy.location('pathname', { timeout: 5000 }).should('eq', '/newsfeed/subscriptions');
it('should post an activity picking hashtags from the dropdown', () => {
......@@ -125,7 +126,51 @@ context('Login', () => {
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu m-modal-confirm .mdl-button--colored').click();
it('should record a view when the user scrolls and an activity is visible', async () => {
it('should have an "Upgrade to Plus" button and it should redirect to /plus', () => {
cy.get('.m-page--sidebar--navigation a.m-page--sidebar--navigation--item:first-child span')
.contains('Upgrade to Plus');
cy.get('.m-page--sidebar--navigation a.m-page--sidebar--navigation--item:first-child').should('have.attr', 'href', '/plus')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/plus');
it('should have a "Buy Tokens" button and it should redirect to /token', () => {
cy.get('.m-page--sidebar--navigation a.m-page--sidebar--navigation--item:last-child span')
.contains('Buy Tokens');
cy.get('.m-page--sidebar--navigation a.m-page--sidebar--navigation--item:last-child').should('have.attr', 'href', '/tokens')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/token');
it('"create blog" button in poster should redirect to /blog/edit/new', () => {
cy.get('minds-newsfeed-poster .m-posterActionBar__CreateBlog')
.contains('Create blog')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/blog/edit/new');
it('clicking on "create blog" button in poster should prompt a confirm dialog and open a new blog with the currently inputted text', () => {
cy.get('minds-newsfeed-poster textarea').type('#thegreatmigration');
const stub = cy.stub();
cy.on('window:confirm', stub);
cy.get('minds-newsfeed-poster .m-posterActionBar__CreateBlog')
.contains('Create blog').click()
.then(() => {
expect(stub.getCall(0))'Are you sure? The content will be moved to the blog editor.')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/blog/edit/new');
cy.get('m-inline-editor .medium-editor-element.medium-editor-insert-plugin p').contains('#thegreatmigration');
it('should record a view when the user scrolls and an activity is visible', () => {
cy.route("POST", "**/api/v2/analytics/views/activity/*").as("view");
// create the post
......@@ -147,4 +192,121 @@ context('Login', () => {
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu .minds-dropdown-menu .mdl-menu__item:nth-child(4)').click();
cy.get('.minds-list > minds-activity:first-child m-post-menu m-modal-confirm .mdl-button--colored').click();
it('clicking on the plus button on the sidebar should redirect the user to /groups/create', () => {
cy.get('m-group--sidebar-markers .m-groupSidebarMarkers__list li:first-child')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/groups/create');
it("clicking on the dropdown on the right should allow to go to the user's channel", () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(1)')
.contains('View Channel')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', `/${Cypress.env().username}`);
it('clicking on the dropdown on the right should allow to go to settings', () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(2)')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/settings/general');
it('clicking on the dropdown on the right should allow to go to the boost console', () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(3)')
.contains('Boost Console')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/boost/console/newsfeed/history');
it('clicking on the dropdown on the right should allow to go to the boost console', () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(4)')
.contains('Help Desk')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/help');
it('clicking on the dropdown on the right should allow to view the whitepaper', () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(5)')
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(5) a')
.should('have.attr', 'href')
.and('include', '/assets/documents/Whitepaper-v0.3.pdf');
it('clicking on the dropdown on the right should redirect to /canary', () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(6)')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/canary');
it('clicking on the dropdown on the right should allow to toggle Dark Mode', () => {
// open the menu
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Anchor').click();
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(7)')
.contains('Dark Mode')
cy.get('m-user-menu .m-user-menu__Dropdown li:nth-child(7)')
.contains('Light Mode')
it('clicking on the bulb on the topbar should redirect to /newsfeed/subscriptions', () => {
cy.get('.m-v2-topbarNavItem__Logo img').should('be.visible');
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/newsfeed/subscriptions');
it('clicking on the bell should open the notifications dropdown, and allow to view all notifications by redirecting to /notifications', () => {
cy.get('.m-v2-topbar__UserMenu m-notifications--flyout').should('');
cy.get('.m-v2-topbar__UserMenu a.m-notifications--topbar-toggle--icon')
cy.get('.m-v2-topbar__UserMenu m-notifications--flyout').should('be.visible');
cy.get('.m-notifications--flyout--bottom-container a')
cy.location('pathname').should('eq', '/notifications');
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('login', (canary) => {
cy.get('minds-form-login .m-login-box .mdl-cell:last-child input').type(Cypress.env().password);
cy.get('minds-form-login .m-btn--login').click();
Cypress.Commands.add('uploadFile', (selector, fileName, type = '') => {