Only handle known routes on Pre-PSR7 Router (/, /api/v1, /api/v2, /fs, ... other old static routes)
Is this a bug? Make sure to use the Bug template above and be as detailed in your report as possible.
Is this a bug? Make sure to use the Bug template above and be as detailed in your report as possible.
added 1 deleted label
assigned to @edgebal
added to epic &75 (closed)
added 1 deleted label
added ProductPlatform label
added TypeRefactor label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
changed milestone to %PSR7 Router
added StatusScheduling label
added Priority2 - Medium label
changed time estimate to 1h
added StatusBacklog label and removed StatusScheduling label
changed weight to 1
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added StatusInProgress label and removed StatusBacklog label
added StatusReview label and removed StatusInProgress label
added 30m of time spent at 2019-10-28